I now sell my fine art photographs at Alive And Fit Salt Cave And Café at 221 Regent St. Sari Huhtala who owns the establishment offered to display and sell my photographs. There was an empty wall which was perfect for a mini gallery. These are gallery wrap canvases from my photographs. Sari has mentioned…
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My Favourite Horse Photos
One of my most favourite things to photograph are horses They are such beautiful creatures. When I was in grade four, my dad asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I said I wanted a horse. My dad laughed. “Where are you gonna put it?” He said. “It costs money!” Needless to say I…
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Have Your Portrait Resemble A Painting
I have recently begun using a new technique It creates an oil painting look. I used this effect on several different portraits. This effect gives your already creatively designed portraits an extra special touch. Why not have a portrait of yourself or children looking like someone painted them displayed on a large canvas on the…
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How I Create Fine Art Photographs
You don't need to spend a lot of money on lighting to create fine art photographs. I try to keep my budget at a minimum. Sometimes I don't spend any money at all. It's the time I take creating the photo and then turning it into art in post production. When I see an item…
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Winter Landscapes
Winter can be a beautiful time of year to take photographs. Growing up with four seasons makes me appreciate each one. My favourite time for taking photographs this time of year is just after a freshly fallen snow. It's just perfect when it's not too cold and sun is out. It's a beautiful sight. The…
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Brushes Art Studio
You can now purchase my fine art greeting cards at Brushes Art Studio in Capreol, Ont. Laurna-Lynn Mills, owner of the newly opened studio approached me recently and asked if she could sell my work in her studio. Laurna sells a variety of artwork in her 1,000 square foot studio from local artists. You can find…
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The Art of Fine Art
Art is something personal How we decorate our homes reflects our personality. There are many different forms of art. Traditional art is considered to be paintings, watercolours, sketches or clay models—anything that isn’t a photograph. Today photography is a highly popular art form. You see it everywhere. It’s on the internet, stores, restaurants, offices and…
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